A Three Beers Later Exclusive feature by Mickey "Seconds" Mikowski, CSM 2nd Michigan Citizens Militia (Ret.), Military Correspondent...
The recent embarrassment of US/NATO intervention in the Libyan civil war, where it has become evident that we have fired $200 million in Tomahawk missiles and uncounted millions in air strikes culminating in the loss an F-15 on behalf of Al Qaeda and its associates, cannot strictly be blamed on the poor judgment, ideological blindness and provincialism of President Barack Hussein Obama.
Personally, I blame the water. I don't know what it is about large bodies of water, but put a Democrat near one...
The recent embarrassment of US/NATO intervention in the Libyan civil war, where it has become evident that we have fired $200 million in Tomahawk missiles and uncounted millions in air strikes culminating in the loss an F-15 on behalf of Al Qaeda and its associates, cannot strictly be blamed on the poor judgment, ideological blindness and provincialism of President Barack Hussein Obama.
Personally, I blame the water. I don't know what it is about large bodies of water, but put a Democrat near one...
...whether it's Pearl Harbor...
...the Bay of Pigs...
...the Gulf of Tonkin...
...the Gulf of Mexico...
...or the Gulf of Sidra...
...put a Democrat near water and people wind up dead. Mebbe that's why so many of them don't wash.
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