my night, Sunday edition

my night, Sunday edition, originally uploaded by daniellehampton.

...and now it is Monday. Yesterday was a perfect Sunday spent with my family. Every time I leave Mesa and my parents' home I get oddly depressed. Hank and I go there so often and we always have the best time just spending quality time with my parents and sister. It was hard to leave and even harder to go to bed last night, because it was such a perfect weekend...I didn't want it to end! But, today was a good day, although Hank and I stayed up way, way too late last night being silly and I got less than 5 hours of sleep, yuck. Fortunately my kids were having a creative writing day so they were occupied with their notebooks and I could get more grading done and have a great "tired" kind of day. When my sweetheart got home from work we headed out to dinner and had the biggest sushi meal in the world, and I now feel like I want to die from an overload of food. It was so delicious though- I had a new roll with mango and avocado, and Siracha in it- very tasty. After dinner we came home and I've been doing a whole lot of nothing, and Hank's practicing with HOTW and Hot Skin (he's now playing bass for them). I am already counting down for next weekend. Nothing too special is going on but I'm looking forward to lazy mornings in bed, afternoon strolls, and reorganizing a few things around the house.

Blah blah blah I feel like I always blog about the same stuff (haha actually I DO) so thanks to those who find it interesting and read! It's very curious to me to watch my followers grow from the 12 people I know in real life to the 93 I have now. It makes me feel happy to know someone out there is reading my silly ramblings. My hits range from 150 unique visitors to 400 on other days. One insane day I had almost 750 but that was just because some of my Flickr photos were reposted in a well-read blog. That is insane to me. I would love to know more about my readers who don't follow or comment. Who are you? Where do you live? How did you find my blog?

I hope all of you have a fantastic week! xo

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