Sex At Oxbridge-sexual exploits and affairs unknown female blogger is said to have started a racy online diary describing her sexual exploits and affairs at an Oxbridge university.

The anonymous blogger of "Sex At Oxbridge" describes herself as a "fairly attractive and highly intelligent Oxbridge student currently shagging my way through the half-term hump". The woman's real identity and whether she is an Oxford or Cambridge graduate or undergraduate, remains a closely guarded secret, but she also has a Twitter account in which she posts regular updates on her status. her blog she discusses a one-night stand with a Blues rugby player, losing her virginity at 18 and the penis sizes of different nationalities. It has drawn comparisons with Belle de Jour, author of "Diary of a London Call Girl".
"I have absolutely no intention of revealing my identity, mostly because in some cases that would involve revealing other people's identity," the Telegraph quoted the blogger as saying.

Since starting the "Sex Oxbridge" blog, the student has written three posts starting with the claim "I consider myself a bit like a researcher of sex". Entitled "Sex Ed", the first post explains her decision to start a sex blog, the revelation she has slept with nine different nationalities and a dissection of the Oxbridge sex ethic.

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