Memorial Day Weekend

It's wonderful Sunday and I'm totally exhausted after spending a great weekend with my family. It was fun celebrating both Hank and my birthdays (his is on June 1st), and it was nice dedicating the entire time to family, rather than running around trying to get things done and see friends. I am finally feeling like it's summer, and I'm sure that's mainly due to the summer time barbecue we had, and all the time in the sun and in the pool at my parents'. And what a relief to NOT have to go back to work tomorrow. I have a nice day of relaxation planned- gym early in the morning and then I'll be getting things done around the house.

I hope all of you are having an excellent holiday weekend! Here are a few photos I snapped yesterday. I really need to take some belly photos so I will be doing that this week as well. Have a great Monday!

parents' backyard

Madeline is SUCH a water dog and hates getting out of the pool! It's so cute.
Boston with a purpose!

water dog

a good Dad

It's our birthday!

Hank loves Carvel ever since his first trip back to NJ with us a few years ago!
Hank's favorite- Carvel ice cream cake


and for a fun comparison, here's us LAST year, celebrating in Vermont! We have six years of photos of blowing out our birthday candles together. I love that and feel so lucky to have our birthday just days apart.

making a wish

my sister's newest tattoo!
Lauren's new tattoo

hanging out with my grumpy girl
love her!

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