I spy..

...with my good eye

A hacienda in Mexico
That is not only an excellent vacation spot
But is also beautifully done up
In resplendent textiles, most likely from India

[Note 1: I have a reasonably decent pair of eyes; above one eye thingie was just for it to rhyme. Spy - Eye...see? Note 2: Yes, I am still in a 'I-want-a-holiday-now-and-right-now' phase, so you can expect more exotic resorts to show up here. Note 3: The genteel ladies who joined me on my virtual holiday to Argentina, well...here we go again! Pack your bags :)] 

This, my dear readers, is Cuximala, the private estate of Sir James Goldsmith. Actually not so private any more as its now a place for world weary travellers to go and rest their feet and tush. What I really like about this place (apart from the heavenly view and the beach) is the use of colors against the pristine white walls. Just about right.

Ram head chairs with bone inlay craft from Rajasthan

The bedrooms and few of the many sitting areas..

From one of the more colorful villas..

Aren't the windows beautiful? Reminds me of jaali work from India

[All images: Cuixmala]

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