Rolls-Royce in Indian market...

Rolls-Royce has a long and distinguished history in India but has also embarked on programmes which will ensure a long and worthwhile future.
We not only regard India as an important market, but also as a vital partner in future expansion.

That is why we are now engaged in manufacturing and sub-contracting engineering in India, which offers such excellent opportunities for mutual advantage.

This is an exciting time for Rolls-Royce and its partners in India.Rolls-Royce India announced that Indians can also enjoy the pleasure of driving Dynamic luxurious Ghost from December 5. Earlier, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has showcased its new production model Ghost, at the Frankfurt motor show on 15 September 2009. Rolls-Royce has produced an elegant yet powerful car Named Ghost. Ghost is powered by a brand new 6.6 liter twin-turbo V12 engine, which is unique to the model. Ghost features direct injection, it produces 563bhp adequate to propel Ghost from 0-60 m., the global power systems company, has announced that it will provide a 40MW power solution for the biggest shopping and entertainment complex in Asia, now under development in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka.

Jamuna Builders Ltd has ordered six Rolls-Royce Bergen B35:40 gas engines to provide power for its Jamuna Future Park, a large-scale seven-floor project combining leisure, retail and exhibition facilities.

The six, 16 cylinder, gas fuelled engines will generate electricity cleanly and efficiently in power stations designed around a proven Rolls-Royce modular design concept that is highly efficient, environmentally friendly and cost effective.

  1. Rolls-Royce, a world-leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea and in the air, has established a strong position in global markets - civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy.
  2. In 2008, Rolls-Royce and its partners invested £885 million on research and development, two thirds of which had the objective of further improving the environmental aspects of its products, in particular the reduction of emissions.
  3. Annual sales were £9.1 billion in 2008, of which 52 per cent came from services revenues. The firm and announced order book at the end of 2008 stood at £55.5 billion, providing visibility of future levels of activity.
  4. Rolls-Royce has more than 1,300 engines in service in India, mainly as a result of long-term defence programmes. However, all four of the company's global market sectors – civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy – are well represented.
  5. In India the energy business has more than 100 gas turbines in service generating power and driving gas compressors for on-shore and off-shore applications. In addition more than 250 Rolls-Royce reciprocating engines operate in India. Total installed capacity of Rolls-Royce energy customers in India exceeds 1500MW.
  6. The Energy division of Rolls-Royce India Private Limited, based in Delhi has proven capability in engineering, project management and after-sales customer services for reciprocating (diesel and gas) engines and supports Rolls-Royce customers in South Asia
  7. Rolls-Royce Bergen gas engines are among the most efficient available for electrical power applications. Installed in 20 countries they generate over 1800MW of electrical energy and 1000 MW of thermal energy
  8. Twenty-five Rolls-Royce gas engines are already installed in Bangladesh providing power for customers in cement, chemical and steel industries
  9. The major installed bases for gas engines are Spain with over 140 engines, Italy with more than 130, Denmark with 80, India and Bangladesh with 52 and Holland with 31.
  10. Rolls-Royce contact

    Ashmita Sethi
    Vice President Communications & Public Affairs, Rolls-Royce India

    Tel:+91 11 2335 7118
    Mobile:+91 98100 90215

    Richard Catling
    Crest Communications (PR) Limited

    Tel:+ 44 (0)24 7664 2428
    Mobile:+91 98100 90215

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