bits and pieces of my world- IMAGE HEAVY!

Here are the photos that you guys all requested! Some of the things didn't really apply to my life...I don't use a desk at home but I do have one at work, so I just included my work desk rather than both! Also, I don't have photos of all of my tattoos at once because I'd have to be basically naked, but I will include photos of a few of them! Thanks again for playing this game, it was fun to take the pictures and I hope all of you do post this on your blog so I can request things that I'd like to peek at in your world! If you do blog the idea, send me the link so I can be sure to participate!

Here we go, in the order of questions! If I missed yours let me know and I will snap a photo of it for you. :)

Closet (half of it!)

half of the bedroom closet


Here's our teeny, tiny kitchen! It's super small but gets the job done. This kitchen has been the producer of many wonderful meals and desserts since we moved in two shorts months ago!

our little kitchen!

where I listen to music- also where we sleep and where I am right this second!

comfy bed

favorite pair of shoes- my Marc by Marc Jacobs Mouse flats, they're so cute! I actually have many other pairs I love but I just had these on so I figured I'd just photograph there.

favorite shoes of the moment, mbmj mouse flats

here's the sad arrangement of where I keep my shoes- and then go back all the way down the closet to the right too. I can't wait to have a proper, huge walk in closet with shoes boxes built in to the wall.

some of my shoes

favorite makeup product...I love blush! And this is such a pretty one- it's a limited edition MAC Mineralize blush in "Moon River." It's the perfect shade of pink for me.

my favorite makeup!

"Moon River"

essential beauty product- I looooove this eye cream so much and I've been using it for years and years. It's pricey, but so worth it to me.

my "must-have" beauty product!

favorite place in Prescott- downtown for sure. We live almost right on the square (pictured) and that's where I walk Madeline everyday, meet up with friends, and spent time taking romantic strolls with Hank. It's also where he proposed to me a few years ago! <3 href="" title="Dogtober Fest, downtown Prescott by daniellehampton, on Flickr">Dogtober Fest, downtown Prescott


favorite knick knack...this may sound weird but I HATE clutter. I can't stand having knick knacks actually so the only ones we have are either in toy cases or on the few shelves we have around the house. It's weird because so many of my friends love to go thrift store shopping and get cute little things but both Hank and I are not into that at alllll! Not even a little bit. I do collect Russian dolls though, if those count? Here's a photo, just in case! :)

some of my Russian nesting dolls

and here are the only toys I collect- Vampire Roses!

Alex sent me gifts!

my newest one, thanks to my friend Alex at Super7 in San Francisco :)

new toy, thanks to my dear friend Alex at Super7!

beauty regime- I don't do much because my skin is the most sensitive skin in the whole world! I have always been around beauty products, having worked for Aveda for 7 years, but I have to be really careful what I put on my face. I used to use very fancy products, but now I really like these three, simple things.

what I put on my face

what I treasure the most- well obviously Hank, but if it had to be a tangible object and not a person or pet...I would have to say I love photos. And more specifically I treasure our guest book from the wedding. We had an old-time photo booth there, so our guests took photobooth photos, placed them in the book, and signed next to them! I absolutely love looking back through the pictures. It's amazing to see your 90-year old Grandma making sticking our her tongue, your best friends making kissy faces, and your mentor teacher making a mustache out of her long hair in the very same book. It's so perfect and a true treasure.

the guest book from our wedding- we had a photobooth there!

Here's the photobooth in action!


favorite outfit- hmmm...this is so hard for me. I actually can't choose one at all. I'm sorry to disappoint whoever asked this question! I will tell you the day I felt the most wedding! So here is my "outfit" on that day!

perfect lighting

favorite mug- Hank has the "D" one :)

favorite mug

favorite CD- I will make a little plug for Hank's new record (in vinyl, not CD sorry!). Believe it or not we don't have any CDs in the house besides old Life in Pictures ones in a box.

HOTW's newest record

desk- like I said earlier I don't have a home desk, but here's a photo of my work desk!

from my desk

living room- this room isn't quite completely yet, we need to hang some more paintings and get another couch for under the mirror but here is part of this room.

part of our unfinished living room

here's another photo from when we were unpacking

part of our living room- slowly but surely setting it up

wedding pics- we actually don't have any of our wedding photos displayed yet, but we have gotten around to hanging one from one of our engagement shoots! This is displayed above the dresser in our bedroom.

engagement photo on the wall in our bedroom

fall and winter coats- I have to get the rest of them from my Mom's house this weekend, but here are the few I could manage to get out of hiding.

winter coats!

So, those are all of the photos you guys requested to see. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my life!

Madeline says BYE! <333 href="" title="pretty Madeline by daniellehampton, on Flickr">pretty Madeline

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