RINO and GOP leadership pick Scozzafava quits NY Congressional Race

NEVER believe you don't have power. NEVER let them tell you that.

Michael Steele, John Cornyn, RNC... NEVER believe this is the end of it. Learn from it or lose because of it.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, the rest of the thieving, corrupt, smug, lying Democrat Party... NEVER believe we aren't coming for you.

And never forget... this isn't a war about parties, anymore. This is a war against incumbency. This is a (so far) peaceful revolution in defense of a true democratic republic and the only instutions that can support that in the long term, free markets, free people and free will, against a self-appointed aristocracy that can talk about "reaching across the aisle" because they none of them have any core beliefs they will uphold except that belief that they somehow deserve to be in charge and trading each other favors in the form of our money and our freedoms. In this John McCain is no different from John Kerry, John Cornyn and Harry Reid could have been separated at birth, Nancy Pelosi and Olympia Snow are truly sisters under the skin regardless of party labels and glib slogans, and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Deval Patrick are workout buddies.

And if you have no idea of how big this is, check this guy out: The Other McCain: Finally Making Journey to Rugged Adirondacks", Seriiously, he needs the hits...

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