specifications of the iPhone 4G (or 4th generation)


The features and specifications of the iPhone 4G :

OLED touchscreen

Dual Core processor

Removable battery

5 megapixel (HD video recording and LED Flash)

Video calling

Double storage capacity (64GB and 32GB)

Touch sensitive outer casting like Apple Magic Mouse.

The iPhone 4G:

Granted 2009 saw the introduction of the iPhone 3G S with speed as the major improvement.  But many already see 2010 as when the iPhone 4G will be introduced.  This is only speculation of course.

What is a 4G network?:

4G (or 4th generation) is the next technological strategy in the field of wireless communications. The rise 4G systems will upgrade existing communication networks and is expected to provide a comprehensive and secure IP based solution where facilities such as voice, data and streamed multimedia will be provided to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis with much higher data rates compared to previous generations (see QoS).

A 4G study group has defined the following as objectives of the 4G wireless communication standard:

  • A spectrally efficient system (in bits/s/Hz and bits/s/Hz/site)
  • High network capacity: more simultaneous users per cell
  • Interoperability with existing wireless standards
  • An all IP, packet switched network
  • A nominal data rate of 100 Mbit/s while the client physically moves at high speeds relative to the station, and 1 Gbit/s while client and station are in relatively fixed positions as defined by the ITU-R
  • A data rate of at least 100 Mbit/s between any two points in the world
  • Smooth handoff across heterogeneous networks
  • Seamless connectivity and global roaming across multiple networks
  • High quality of service for next generation multimedia support (real time audio, high speed data, HDTV video content, mobile TV, etc)

But that just covers the networking.  Expect a much higher resolution camera in the iPhone 4GS, more video recording options, and certainly updates to all of the built in apps.  But we are still in 2009, so we'll just have to wait and see what really happens.  Check out the iPhone 4G video below.



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