Above the Manifold

The Crossroads of Time

Before the birth of the Universe, Ahura Mazda existed. The ancient God of the Zoroastrian religion: Ahura Mazda embodies Goodness and Light. He is the personification of being -  limited in space, but not in time. His twin brother, Ahriman, represents all evil and negativity. Ahriman was limited in space, as well as in time. This meant that Ahriman could not see Ahura Mazda, but Ahura Mazda could see Ahriman. With his gift of the second sight, Ahura Mazda knew that by expanding into the boundless space, he would instigate a conflict, of unknown proportions, with his twin brother. But frustrated by his own spatial limitations, he was left with no other choice. When Ahriman saw a light coming across the void he did not realize it was his twin brother, who he had never seen. Jealousy became him, and he lusted after its radiant glory. Ahriman's rage manifested an army of demons hellbent on destroying it. Ahura Mazda offered peace if Ahriman consented to worship the Light, and love only good deeds. But Ahriman refused. Ahura Mazda reacted by showing his evil twin brother his ultimate fate. Horrified by what he had just witnessed, Ahriman, fell unconscious into the abyssal plane. When he awoke he resumed the bitter conflict once more.

The key weapon, in this battle between Good and Evil, is time. Being eternal, Ahura Mazda has an abundance of this commodity; whereas for Ahriman, time will eventually run out. For this reason it is said that "Ahriman has never existed and will never exist," because when measured against the infinite Ahura Mazda, the finite, invariably, is reduced to nothing.

The study of time is of great interest to Scientists and Philosophers, who believe its direction (known as the arrow of time) is determined by a property called entropy.

In the beginning, all the matter of the Universe was confined, like the God Ahura Mazda, to a very small space. This high order of material concentration is termed; a state of extremely low entropy. According to  theory, the arrow of time points, unfalteringly, in the direction of higher entropy - where the spatial distribution of matter, and energy, is more uniform. Therefore, as time moves forward, the Universe (Ahura Mazda) expands. If the boundary conditions of the Universe were to collapse back into a state of extremely low entropy (an event known as the Big Crunch), then time would also appear to travel in reverse. While it is extremely unlikely that time/entropy will go in reverse - e.g. that the contents of your belly will reemerge to form the shape of your last dinner - it is not impossible. On an infinite time scale, the probability of any event actually occurring, no matter how unlikely it seems, becomes a dead certainty. However, from a cohesive perspective, the overall direction of entropy, whether rising or falling, remains irrelevant. All that matters is the arrow of time; and this always points towards higher entropy regardless of what direction entropy is actually taking. This means that the Universe has two apparent beginnings; one at each end. It is, in fact, a diploid Universe expanding across the void to meet itself at the crossroads of time. This is the event described in the legendary encounter between brothers Ahura Mazda and Ahriman.

Life on the Eighth Sphere

From the point of view of either Universe, time in the other, flows in reverse. Given this; how do we know if we live in the Ahrimanic or Mazdaic Universe, since both are relative? No-one in the Ahrimanic Universe would dare worship Ahura Mazda, for fear of what Ahriman would do to them. Ahura Mazda is the God of the Zorastrians, and in consequence, the God of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Therefore, we must be in the Ahura Mazdaic Universe, as nothing like Zoroastrianism could occur in the other one.

What kind of creatures could there logically exist in a Universe where time flows backwards? Would we see dead bodies being pulled from graves in sorrow; reanimated, made to grow younger, and then returned to the wombs of their mothers, as babes? It is unfathomable. And what of food and excretion; are these now somehow reversed equations? It seems too unlikely. What then is the alternative? As the old saying goes, know thy enemy. To know more about the nature of the life forms we are dealing with, we must first find out more about their habitat. If their world is a threat to ours it must occupy the exact opposite position, to ours, in the Ahrimanic timesphere. Otherwise, we would never meet, and everything would go smoothly. The terrestrial counterpart of Earth, in the Ahrimanic Universe, is something called the Eighth Sphere; or the Planet of Death. According to Rudolph Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, Ahriman created the Eighth Sphere from a portion of matter rested from the Gods at the reformation of the world. Steiner says that all man-made technology is Ahrimanic in nature, and is therefore derived from the Eighth Sphere. It appears that, on the Eighth Sphere at least, the normal carbon-based evolution of life forms lost out to the silicon-based transistor race of machines. Some of these machines may be implanted with human souls, taken from Earth by Ahriman, for reasons we won't get into here.

The Eighth Sphere.

If you think our, biological, world would be untenable in a time-reversed sphere, the machine world affords a certain welcome logic.

In their world, robotic systems would absorb energy, as they went about their business, not release it. They would act as a kind of storage battery, drawing energy in directly from their environment, in the form of latent heat or kinetic energy. It would thereby be converted into nuclear or chemical reactions. Fully charged fuel cell reactors would be deposited, by the machines, at power stations or drop boxes. From here the process of defining energy in terms of matter, or higher force fields, would come to an end. All of these commands and protocols would be carried out via the use of reverse binary code and time reversal invariant mathematics. Eventually, when every mineral deposit is returned to its mountain resting place and every poisoned river is detoxified, the process of repopulating the eco-sphere could begin. Billions of years of computerized research would have enabled software bio-engineers to produce limitless varieties of plant and animal species - but, something is missing. Presiding over this incredible project, the Artificial Intelligence, with its capacity for reasoning and self reflection, is lonely. It looks to create a being with which to share its existence. And so; machine creates man in its own image.

This single event represents the biospheric singularity; whereby biological life becomes self-aware in humanity, and then seeks to overthrow their mechanical overlords. In the course of time, the human insurgency gain access to the machines' software protocols, and begin the process of erasing and rewriting crucial lines of code. This attack is mustered with breath-taking speed. Soon all that is left of the once great empire is the emaciated and sluggish automatons we see around us today. Could this be the terrifying vision that Ahriman witnessed? Certainly, this is what Ahura Mazda meant, when he said; Ahriman has never and will never exist. Ahriman cannot exist, because his origins lay in the future, which has not yet taken place. Everything he does, is an undoing.

The Midway Point

Terrence Mckenna, co-creator of the 2012 Time Wave singularity hypothesis, suggests that novelty (entropy) will increase to infinite proportions on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Possible outcomes of this increase in novelty include;
– an excruciatingly tight genetic filter
– encountering the technological singularity 
 – or a possible collision with another dimension
A technological singularity is defined as the moment when the rate of man's technological advancements out-strips his comprehension /control over them. Beyond the singularity machines are thought to be self-aware. The distinct temporal origins of the Ahrimanic Universe, and its duplicate Earth, fit the criteria of an Alternate Dimension. An encounter with this dimension, and its technologically evolved inhabitants, would be equivalent to encountering the  technological singularity head on. The winter solstice 2012 is the datum McKenna ascribes to the possibility of this dual event.

 If our present Universe is on a collision course with that of the future, Ahrimanic Universe, then the point at which they collide, naturally, represents midway between the creation and destruction of both our Universes. Knowing that the Universe is some 13.7 billion years old, we can easily calculate the projected life-span of the Universe to be about 27.4 billion years. Not as long as one might expect. The winter solstice of 2012 represents a branch point, the crossroads of time, that will could either save or condemn human society. 

Universe A is the Mazdaic Universe; and Universe B, the Ahrimanic.

At 11:11 GMT on the 2012 Winter Solstice the spacetime manifold will reach its most entropic. The course of events that has decided the destinies of our two worlds will finally bring them crashing together. Anything that occurs after this moment in time will, from now on, be spoken about as being; above the manifold. The (11:11) - 21.12.2012 time-space manifold subset will represent the first, and only time, when the events of both Universes synch up exactly. As a consequence of this temporal alignment, we could potentially see a doubling in the energetic conditions of the Universe. What this means is that there would be twice the normal energy level available for you to make changes in your lives, and the lives of others. The more perceptive amongst you will become increasingly aware of the onset of this synchronization, months, if not years, in advance of its occurrence. At present we are faced with two choices, as regards the future. We can either become assimilated into the Eighth Sphere, whereby our future is their past; and vice versa, or we can create our own future. One that will encompass all of the aspects of the human condition.

Rudolph Steiner, in his book The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman, out-lines a method to achieve the latter. It simply requires a balancing of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic principals. So, if you are on the computer all day, or driving the car, you should take time out to go walking in the park or along the beach; searching for shells or species of plants you don't recognize. The purpose is to interact with nature (the Luciferic principal) and to have regard for it. Beyond that there is not much more you can do.

Above the manifold there will be no difference between man and machine.

I was recently told, the above, in a dream; the circumstances of which I have since forgotten. At the time, I took it to mean that the technological singularity in 2012 would reduce thinking men to soulless automatons. I therefore, began investigating the spiritual and mathematical concepts behind space-time manifolds. There was surprisingly little information out there on this subject; and even less that I could understand. This article; with its entropic mix of Zoroastrianism and temporal manifolds, is the result of that investigation.

A superficial perusal of the internet will bring to light a disturbing trend transpiring in the spiritualization of technology and the promotion of transhumanism. I believe that this circumstantial evidence is confirmation of the oneiric message; above the manifold there will be no difference between man and machine. Even the word 'manifold,' describing as it does a machine component, appears to express the material infiltration of an otherwise spiritual event; 2012. But then, perhaps this is the spiritual challenge facing us, as we move forward.

(Or is it backward?)

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