When we left my Grandma's Hank and I had to do some returning, so we stopped by H&M and then went to Green for a quick lunch. The rest of the day was spent doing errands- we dropped my Angelique print off at the framer's, got Hank new shoes and button ups, and stopped by Coldstone so Hank could get a milkshake. Besides this morning this visit has been incredibly jam packed with all of our family in from all over the place, and we still have to celebrate another Christmas! I am hoping we get the Flip cam we've had our eye on, so we'll see. We are heading back up to Prescott in a bit and I am excited to get there and organize all our new stuff. I also got some new wood cleaner for our floors and I can't wait to try it out! Sounds weird but organizing and cleaning gets me excited. Annnnd...tomorrow is a certain best friend's birthday! Fun.
I'll leave you with some photos-
Good morning!
Saturday shoes
dropping off my print- soo excited to get it back next week!
another little Angelique print, matted and framed
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