Eye Candy Alert...200th time!

This, is my cheesy way of announcing the 200th post on An Indian Summer! I have had a superb time sharing and talking to you via my blog, and I hope to keep doing so for many more delicious years to come. You gals, and guys, rock! Really! Warm or Cool bear hug (choose based on your local weather condition) being transmitted to you, like right now! Followed by a quick thank you peck on the cheek! :)

This being the 200th post and all, I have gone a bit overboard. Which translates into a lot of eye candy of design and style that I find myself drawn to these days. And I found all of this on one incredible photographer's site - Jordi Canosa. The fact that the images also had shades of India and Morocco, here and there, made it all even better :)

Starting with some dreamy salón de siesta!

above: this work is known as bhandej or bandhini...tie and dye

Now some living /sitting areas..

Some bathrooms..

And other details..

Time to step out of these beautiful rooms, and say Ah! :)

[All Images: Jordi Canosa]

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