[MyTuneBD.Com] An Article Appreciated By Pakistan's National Hero, DR. ABDUL QADEER KHAN

The world-renowned father of the nuclear technology in Pakistan, who has developed an atomic bomb, regarded by the West as an "Islamic bomb", has appreciated an article of mine as 'thought-provoking'.  He has kindly and graciously sent me an email in appreciation of its contents.  I am reproducing below that article as published by Urdunet in Japan. Here only Part 2 is given below, as Dr. Khan has commented only on that.  This article has been published by the daily Jasarat in 5 instalments and by the Urdunet in 3 installments, which can be read by clicking on the following 3 web addresses of the Urdunet.  Other Japanese nets are also publishing it. 
All Pakistanis have a great regard, respect and love for their national hero.  Everyone is interested to know and learn the valuable thoughts and opinions of a great man like Dr. A.Q. Khan.  Therefore, I am reproducing below that special article, which he appears to have liked.  It can also be read on the following Urdunet link http://www.ourquran.net/islamkikamyabi2.html as well.
First read the contents of his email to me as below:

"My dear Mr. Hussain Khan, AoA,

Thank you very much for your message with thought-provoking article attached. Unfortunately, all we can do is discuss, complain, suggest and then wait and see. We, the common man, have no powers. Those who possess guns, planes and tanks are killing indiscriminately. Might is right nowadays.

With kind regards,

Dr. A.Q. Khan"

The article below basically propounds the theory that problems cannot be resolved at gunpoint. They should be resolved through dialogue and negotiations. Despite 8 years of using high-tech blind military force in Afghanistan by a Super power like the US, President Obama admits failure and says, "We are not winning in Afghanistan". Why does he hope to win it now?  That reality should have been an argument to pack up from Afghanistan. There is a greater intensity of the Resistance movement against the foreign forces in Afghanistan with the passage of time. Gen.(R) Musharraf also failed despite using Pakistan army and causing 1500 deaths of Pakistan army personnel against the so-called 'militants'.  Zardari government also failed twice and had to resort to some sort of agreements with the so called militants, as Musharraf had also to surrender to Taliban. But all these three negotiated agreements had to be broken under the pressure of American war-mongers in the name of 'war against terorrism'.  This war has been unnecessarily brought down to and forced upon Pakistan from Afghanistan by the warlords of US, whose economy is already shattering. Taliban in Pakistan simply want Sharia, which was already prevalent in Swat for the last 110 years. Why the people have been forced to terrorism?  If the government agrees to their 110-year like implementation of Sharia, there will be peace in the region.
For the details of this line of my thinking, please go through my another article under the caption, "Are Taliban Really Barbarians", published by various web sites. I give here a link to the Daily Muslims of Canada. Click here to read many of my English articles: http://www.muslimdigest.info/allEnglish.html  Here you will find the first one about Taliban. 
However, use of force has failed throughout the history.  I hope to write some time in future, Insha-Allah, about the last 300 years' experience of failure of regular armies against guerrilla-type of insurgents conducted by the residents of any country against the regular armies.  An army can fight with a foreign army, but it cannot win in a guerrilla war.  In addition to American failure in Vietnam and the Russian failure in Afghanistan, the latest success of Maoists in Nepal after 10 years of guerrilla war proves the theory that use of force is no solution to any internal unrest in any country for any cause. An American Professor and a former member of the Policy Planning Council of the U.S. Department of State, Wiliam R. Polk has written a book, "VIOLENT POLITICS, A HISTORY OF INSURGENCY, TERRORISM GUERRILLA WAR, FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TO IRAQ" to this effect.  Let Obama Administration war-mongers read a book of one of their own Policy thinkers or Planners. 
Regards, Hussain Khan, Tokyo
Some of my Urdu articles, as published in dailies Jang, Jasarat and on the Urdunet can be read in a PDF book of about 135 pages on the following link: http://www.muslimdigest.info/urduarticles1.pdf

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