[MyTuneBD.Com] Final Comments on Benazir's Moderation

As I want to close this topic, I am not giving any further comments. I am just reproducing all comments that have appeared on the Internet on this topic, which bring to light various aspects and different ideas and information from the readers. It is for the readers to judge for themselves about these final comments and about the new information provided by the readers.
Hussain Khan
----- Original Message -----
From: Z T Minhas
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: RE: Limits Of Benazeer's Enlightened Moderation Compared To Musharraf's

Salaam alaikuim,

We should revolutionize pakistan ala iranian style. I was always 50/50 with the Taliban, but seeing people like this makes me 100 with Taliban. I say they should come out of hiding from Kandhar and move to Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, LARKANA

Zarrar Janjua <zarrar_janjua@hotmail.com> wrote:

I think its better to keep track of these publications because these people would be future leaders of Pakistan representing Moderate Islam. If they get killed, many articles get published on their democratic and moderate version of Islam.
We cant trust leaders anymore and last remaining hope is Allah now, May Allah help PAKISTAN, A'men.
Zarrar Janjua 

To: overseas_pakistanis@yahoogroups.com; pakistanaffairs@yahoogroups.com; islamicpakistan@yahoogroups.com; greatestpakistan@yahoogroups.com; bangla-vision@yahoogroups.com
From: ztminhas@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 21:58:59 -0800
Subject: This the future of Pakistan

For those who love Islam, and don't want to see the disintegration of yet another muslim country (Pakistan was born out of a desire for the people living there to live and stay as muslim), say something, do anything to show that this idiot (as well as his dad) does not deserve any form of leadership in Pakistan...Sorry for the pictures, but they need to be shown to show the message....
Free alcohol, hangovers, bisexual friends and a girl called Boozie Suzie ... inside the student life of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
Last updated at 00:52am on 07.01.08
His antics at Oxford University would shock people in Pakistan awaiting Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's return to take over the political dream shaped by his murdered mother Benazir.
The 19-year-old's preparation for his role in one of the world's strictest Muslim states has certainly been unconventional.
Orthodox Muslims will be surprised to see the new leader of the Pakistani People's Party with his arms slung casually around two girls, one of whom declares herself as "bisexual" on a social networking website.
Conversations he has with friends on Facebook make reference to being hungover, his friendship with a girl he calls "Boozie Suzie" and the joys of "free alcohol".
Scroll down for more ...
Monster's ball: Bilawal and friends in fancy dress for an Oxford University Hallowe'en event
There is no evidence that Bilawal drinks alcohol – but he was certainly living it up with his two female friends at a raucous black-tie party thrown by a student drinking society.
Bilawal had been enjoying the freedom of his first year at Oxford before he was named as his mother's successor after her assassination last month.
It was all a far cry from the country of his birth, which is bound by strict Muslim customs where drinking is forbidden, homosexuality is illegal and male and female friendships carefully controlled.
Bilawal and the girls were dressed up for the annual Cardinals' Cocktails event where, for a £10 entrance fee, students can drink as many cocktails as they can stomach.
The Cardinals is an exclusive all-male society favoured by the wealthiest undergraduates at Christ Church, Bilawal's college at Oxford.
They hold the event for non-members once a year to raise money for a lavish dinner to be enjoyed by their privileged members at a Michelin-starred restaurant.
Only a handful of Christ Church students are allowed to join each year and they are initiated by being forced to down a bottle of port followed by eight pints of beer.
Bilawal and his friends were among hundreds of other students – not Cardinal members – at the bash this year.
Fortunately for him, his father, Asif Ali Zardari, has announced his son is too young to take power and that he will maintain day-to-day control of the party while Bilawal continues his studies.
Bilawal, who arrived at Christ Church in September to read history, grew up in Dubai after his mother left Pakistan for a self-imposed exile in 1999.
At Oxford he has not been seen at the student Islamist Society, eschewing the social events, at which only soft drinks are served.
One senior society member said: 'He doesn't come to any of our events.' He has chosen instead to spend his time with gregarious new friends.
Two of the girls to whom he is particularly close, as our pictures show, are described on Facebook as being "engaged" to each other – Julia Caterina Hartley and Kirini Kopcke.
Ladies' man: Bilawal cosies up to bisexual friends Kirini Kopcke (left) and Julia Hartley, who say they are 'engaged'
Julia, who was educated in Brussels, lists herself as interested in both women and men and is a member of the university's Lesbian Gay And Bisexual Society.
She and Bilawal are obviously close, often pictured cosying up together, and after Benazir Bhutto's assassination on December 27 she wrote on her Facebook site: "Julia can only think of the Bhuttos." Many of Bilawal's conversations on Facebook can be openly viewed by dozens of his friends and countless other Oxford University students.
Bilawal flirts goodnaturedly with another female student, saying: "There is a void in my life now, it's a deep dark hole in my sloe [sic] ... that can only be filled with ... boozie suzie!!"
Fellow first-year student Sammy Jay is also a close friend.
In one exchange, Bilawal announces his intention to "do as much work as possible, go to the Coven, turn up to my tute the next day hungover and with incomplete work."
The Coven is an off-beat club well known for hosting a regular gay night for students.
The face of Bilawal appears on a number of pages throughout Facebook but only one, using the alias of Bilawal Lawalib, is authentic.
In one exchange, before Mrs Bhutto's assasination, he tells a female friend that he "misses his secret lover" and in another exclaims "what free alcohol! I may take you up on that when I get back to Oxford!".
Bilawal's grandfather Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who founded the Pakistan People's Party and was the country's first elected prime minister but was executed in 1979, attended the same college.
His mother was a popular student and president of the Oxford Union.
The current Oxford Union President, Luke Tryl, says the new Bhutto is "quite popular in Union circles; very charismatic and engaging".
----- Original Message -----
From: S A Hannan
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"

Respected Khan sb,
Assalamu Alaikum.I am extremely grateful for your comments.I have read the letter of Haqqani sb below.He has faith,please nurture it, he respects you.Please do not remove his quote from the website or the article.
Your comment about Benazir sahiba represents Islamic Adab, we are nobody to judge Iman or real intentions of others.Your benevolent approach is a must for Dawah, even our political language should be sober.
I remember with fondness your association in my formative years.I have devoted myself totally in islamic pursuits including social service, dawah, teaching and preparing young intelletuals, writing and speaking ,internet activity and also advising Jammat and other Islamic groups ( even BNP)
..You can see some of my works in English in shahfoundationbd.org   ( a family website ) and in   witness-pioneer.org  ( a website of my students spread over various countries ). 
Kindly continue to send me important materials.I will be sending some of the editorials I write in a daily and also some letters I write to face atheistic, materialistic and ultra-secular challenge.
Shah Abdul Hannan
----- Original Message -----
From: "Abdurrahman Siddiqi" <arsiddiqi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"

> Dear Mr>hussain Khan,I am giving below a short appeal
> please publicize it on my behalf,and the people know
> that you have  manuscripts of three books ready for
> publication and looking for a good publisher with good
> heart and mind.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Mr.Hussein Khan is writing in sincerity and love for
> his country. As far as I know  he is an impartial pro
> Islamic, ideological writer.I find  so many people
> admiring and appreciating his scholarly
> contributions.Here I want to suggest that all his
> friend should find him source of earning through
> journalism.He is research personality with about 2,000
> books in his private library.The Umma Islamiya  should
>  benefit from his talents.It will be  great loss if we
> can not get the best of his abilities while at the age
> of about 75 he is still going strong. I urge the
> leaders of Ummah Islamiya all over the  world to
> attend to this appeal. I apologize Mr. Hussain for
> publishing this note without his consultation. I felt
> duty bound to let the Muslims know the truth. Thanks
> and may Allah bless all Muslims.Abdur Rahman
> Siddiqi,Lecturer,Daito Bunka University,Saitama,Japan.
> Chairman International Muslim Center-Japan.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Mr.Hussain Khan I request you to circulate this appeal
> to all your freinds and leaders of the Muslims all
> over the world.
To: make_Pakistan_Better@yahoogroups.com
From: kinnare2001@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 08:48:13 -0800
Subject: Re: [www.makePakistanBetter.com] Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"

What does Islamic means one who practice the religion of Maudoodi or one who practice the religion of Khomeini. Prophet Mohammad was a modern men and look to the future. Intellect and pluralism is part of Islam, and thats what PPP stand for and thats what Mohammad Ali Jinnah stand although he was Gujarti speak family and follower of Aga khan just like Pir shams of Multan was.

Qazi hussain or I Khan or N sharriff cannot stand the writ of Pakistan Army it is only PPP and it Jiyals would stand and give the sacrifice that is needed  for good governance of our country which was made for Muslims and not for Islam or Jamatis. We will fight to complete the vision of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and ZAB for thousand year. Pakistan belong to Pakistanis not to Jamatis, Aga khanis, Punjabis, sindhis, baluchies, Pahatans.

Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: [www.makePakistanBetter.com] Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"
Oh brother!
Did ever someone tell you.. you are ridiculous?
You sound like one of the ricksha walas, who are less mature or defecient of information..
Mind you.. I am against American policy, but not against the Americans!.. Similarly, i have always been against millitary rule or dictatorship even the recent one! but never.. never against the army!.. where good people come from.. existence of some bad people is there as well!!.. so you don`t have to challenge the writ of the army!.. challenge the writ of the wrong person controlling it!
And Pakistan was made for the Muslim, not where they could practice being a Pakistani only but where they could practice their religion "Islam"(in complete) mainly, indirectly, Pakistan was made for Islam.. you accept it or you don`t accept it, Pakistan ka matlab kia "La illaha illAllah Muhammadar-rasullAllah!".. but i don`t reject that a Pakistani cannot be a non-muslim, but they would have to abide Islamic laws.
Yes, i agree Pakistan is for Pakistanis, and we are nothin else but Pakistani.. but for the religion your Muslim first then anything else.. Muslim continue to be distributed and continue to be distinguished!
Practice religion of Muhammad, but there are misconceptions( eg. Pardah, how to be a good Muslim) created, for which you have to take guidance from some explanation of an Ulema, for which you may follow: Maududi, or Khomeni, respectively!.. none of the Ulema or any follower ever said they follow the religion of that Ulema, but they would always accept they took guidance from them!

After what happen on the (1st)day of assasination of Benazir, all the riots, loot, arson, and the PPP leadership was requested to calm the people down but instead they said we are in saddness and took no responsibilty to control the situation.. with what happened on the 1rst day.. yeah they can challenge the writ! eh!
Allah Nigay Ban

Faisal Shah
devilzdushman@hotmail.com (msn, primary)

All praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of everything that exists.
The most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgment
You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help.
Guide us to the Straight Way
The Way of of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor those who went astray.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 11:14 PM
Subject: RE: [www.makePakistanBetter.com] Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"

Faisal shah, Pakistan resolution does not say any thing about Islam. On the contrary their is speech available of Mohammad ali Jinnah who said Islam has nothing to do with Pakistan.

All the religious party you call Jinnah, Iqbal, and Sultan Mohammad Shah Kafir and Pakistan Kafirstan.

I am totally against army. I think money save by not having an army could be used toward Human development of Pakistan.

Pakistan ka matlab kia "La illaha illAllah Muhammadar-rasullAllah!".. this pharse was coined by some one in Lahore after Pakistan was created.

Their is very good speech by Liaquat Ali Khan about what Islam means to Pakistan please read it.

Controlling riots is job of Government not PPP what Pakistan Army was when this riots were happen. I remember not half of happen on 28th dec 2007 happen in 1977 during PNA agitation and our Beloved Army over threw the elected government.

Prophet Mohammad was modern man. Intellect and Pularism Islamic tradition but what I object is that one tariqa decide that another tariqa is kafir.

Shahid Kinnare
Memphis TN
----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: [www.makePakistanBetter.com] Comments about "Comments on Benazir's Moderation"
I have heard myself speech of quid in which he said Pakistan should govern accordin to islamic laws.
every educated man knows the base of Pakistan was dou qaumi nazria, and according to this ideaology there were two nations hindu nd muslims
So first of all i am totally unable to understand, if a country came into existance in the name of islam, how Islam has nothing to do with it
and secondly, even if they were not in the favour of islam in Pakistan then they are dead now, and now it is the duty of every muslim in the country and in the world to restore islamic state in the world and in the Pakistan
"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity". (surah Al-Imran,ayat-104) "
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."-- Albert Einstein
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