[MyTuneBD.Com] Free homeopathic e-consultation



Hi  friends,
            I  am  gonna  spend  a  considerable  time  giving  people  free 
homeopathic  consultation  over  e-mail.  Just  fill  up  the  case  taking 
form  given  below  &  mail  to:  Bashirmahmudellias@hotmail.com. 
Most  of  the  so-called  incurable  diseases  are  easily  curable  with 
homeopathic  healing  science.  But  for  a  correct  prescription,  we 
need  huge  information  about  the  disease,  about  the  patient,  about 
your  feelings,   about  your  sensations,  about  your  psychological 
conditions,  about  your  previous  diseases,  about  your  family 
diseases,  about  your  profession,  about  your  fear,  about  your 
aversions,  about  your  cravings,  about  your  dreams,  about  your
  temperaments,  about  your  likes,  about  your  dislikes  etc.  Without 
complete  information  I  cann't  help  you.  I  am  specially  encouraging 
you  to  consult  me  for  psychological  problems  &  the  problems 
of  our  sweet  babies. 
        Please  inform  me  whether  the  medicine  worked  or  failed ; 
because  these  cases  will  be  used  for  teaching  purpose.  In  that 
case,  I  am  assuring  you  that  your  real  name  &  address  will 
not  be  used (for  the  safety  of  your  privacy).  Please  do  not 
send  any  e-mail  attachment ;  it  usually  waste  my  huge  time. 
Send  everything  through  the  e-mail  window.  Please  forgive  me 
if  I  fail  to  respond  all  cases  for  lack  of  time.
with  regards
Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
  (Underline  those  symptoms  you  have.  Write  additional  symptoms 
in  the  dotted  area.  Hiding  any  symptom  may  delay  your  cure.)
Name-                                                          Age-                    
Address-                                                       Profession-                                       
Gender - Male / Female

1.  Description  of  Disease................................................................................
2.  Disease  condition  aggravates -     * during  day      * at  night     
*  from  motion      *  during  rest       *  in  the  morning       *  at  noon     
*  in  the  evening       *  Midnight       *  after  midnight      *  winter     
*  summer      *  rainy  season       *  warm  weather       * cold  weather     
*  open  air       *  cold  air       *  dry  air     *  wet  air      *  cold  food     
*  closed  room      *  from  lying      *  empty  stomach      *  after  eating      
*  during  going  upstairs      *  going  down  stairs      *  thinking  about 
disease       *  during  walking       *  standing        *  exertion        
*  mental  work        *  excitment         *  Tension        *  talking      
*  sweating       *  weting         *  during  sleep         *  after  waking       
*  massage       *  warm  room         *  pressing         *  car  riding        
*  music         *  noise          *  from  light        *  in  the  dark         
*  during  4 pm  to  8 pm         *  during  3 am  to  5 am        
*  from  12 am  to  02 pm         *  while  siting       *  lying  on  right  side       
*  lying  on  left  side         *  everyday  at  a  specific  time       
*  during  pregnancy          *  after/ during  stool       *  wearing  cloths       
*  undressing          *  change  of  weather       *  wet  place         
*  during  menses         *  after  sexual  intercourse         *  full  moon           
*  thinest  moon           *  drinking  water          *  during  urinating          
*  from  touch           *  from  solid  food         *  liquid  food         
*  going  near  fire            *  looking  at  glistening  objects          
*  eating  fruits          *  milk         *  sour / acid          *  sweet         
*  from  contradiction             *  coughing           *  during  storm /
thunder           *  closing  eyes         *  in  front  of  strangers        
*  moving  eyes          *  near  sea          *  during  inspiration          
*  regularly  after  one  week / fortnight / month / six  months / year       
*  ...............................
3.  Possible  cause  of  your  disease-     *  fright         *  injury         
*  suppressed  anger          *  contaminated  food          *  economical  loss        
*  excess  sexual  activities          *  fat  food         *  from  jealousy          
*  wet / rainy / fogged  weather            *  cold  drinks  during  sweating  or 
extreme  hot  weather           *  working  in  factory           *  stone  cutting          
*  death  of  a  close  relative / friend         *  disappointed  love        
*  cold  air         *  Lead  poisoning         *  Suppression  of  any 
discharge (sweat/ catarrh/ menses)         *  animal/ insect  bites         
*  disel/ petrol         *  grief         *  mental  shock        
*  drug  addiction         *  fall         *  vaccine         *  smoking        
*  washing  legs  with  cold  water         *  vexation         *  weight  lifting        
*  depression         *  pregnancy         *  milk         *  bathing  with 
cold  water         *  dentition           *  excessive  study           *  hard  work          
*  bleeding           *  breastfeeding           *  long  diarrhoea           *  ...............................................
4.  Diseases  you  suffered  in  the  past -      * Syphilis       *  Gonorrhoea         
* Tuberculosis         * Asthma        * Cancer        * skin  disease       
* Arthritis       *  Typhid     * .....................operation       * ear  discharge        
* Wart       * Tumor        * worms         * Vaccination        * Jaundice         
*  heart  disease          *  goitre                    *  piles          *  fistula         
*  constipation          *  gangrene                    *  hernia          *..........................
5.  Other  diseases  you  are  suffering  presently -      * diabetes         
*  high  blood  pressure          *  gastric  ulcer          * Asthma        * headache     
   * migraine        * backache       *  vertigo        * piles        * malnutrition        
* Wart       * fever        * worms         * Vomiting        * Jaundice         
*  numbness          *  goitre                    *  piles          *  fistula         
*  constipation          *  anaemia          *  hernia          *  difficult  breathing      
6.  Diseases  available  among  your  close  Relatives -     * Cancer        
* diabetes        * Syphilis         * Arthritis         *  Gonorrhoea      
*  Allergy  * Tuberculosis        * Asthma          *  bronchitis          *  epilepsy         
*  mental  disease          *  paralysis          *  skin  disease          *.................................
7.  Diseases  you  suffered  frequently  in  childhood -       *  common  cold          
*  skin  diseases           *  abdominal  diseases           *  worms          
*  weakness                      *  grave  diseases         *  easily  exhausted          
*  growed  tall  quickly           *  pot  like  belly          
*  physical  growth  was  poor           *  bed  weting          
*  was  very  notorious           *  mischievous  at  home  &  out  of  home          
*  mischievous  in  family  but  gentle  to  others          
*  cruel  behaviour  with  people  &  animals              *...............................
8.  Temperature  liking -        *  hot  is  intolerable           * cold  is 
intolerable           *  both           *  none           *  craves  for  cold  wind          
*  change  of  weather  makes  me  sick           *  uncovering  the  abdomen
  feels  comfortable           *  top  of  head  always  hot           *  outside 
of  body  is  cold  but  burning  inside           *  drinks  ice  like  cold  water          
*  Wants to be fanned           * feels  coal  burning  in  lower  abdomen           
*  need  not  to  cover  head  in  coldest  weather       *  likes  open  air 
much          *......................................
9.  Physical  structure -       *  thin           *  normal           *  fat          
*  tall           *  short           *  black           *  bright           *  white          
*  emaciated           *  glamourless           *  looks  older  than  his  age          
*  face  gliters  like  glass           *  premature  old  age          
*  water  portion  is  excess  in  body          *  Eats ravenously, yet emaciates          
*  gaining  weight  even  eating  little           *  palm  is  soft  like  girl's  palm           *........................................
10.  Cleanliness  habit -     *  baths  regularly           *  baths  irregularly          
*  both           *  none           *  baths  regularly  even  in  winter          
*  several  times  in  summer           *  very  serious  about  cleanliness          
*  wash  hands  frequently           *  Dirty, filthy  habit        
*  baths  with  long  intervel           *  baby  cries  during  bathing          
*  cloths  make  dirty  easily         *  any  indiscipline  produce  violent  anger          
11.  Most  liked  foods -      *  sour           *  pungent           *  sweets          
*  milk           *  (boiled)  egg         *  fish           *  fruits         *  meat          
*  ice           *  tea           *  coffee           *  fat           *  ice  cream          
*  chocolate/ candy           *  smoked  meat           *  wine           *  potato         
*  orange          *  vegetables           *  fried           *  dry  food          
*  liquid  food           *  cold  food           *  hot  food           *  salt          
*  extremely  hot  tea           *  eats  more  drinks  less            
*  drinks  much  water           *  like  ice  cold  water          
*  likes  hot  food,  hot  air,  hot  water          
*  sight / thought  of  food  excites  vomiting             *......................................
11.  Most  disliked  foods -      *  sour           *  pungent           *  sweets          
 *  milk           *  (boiled)  egg         *  fish           *  meat           *  ice          
*  tea           *  coffee           *  fat           *  ice  cream          
*  chocolate/ candy           *  fruits         *  smoked  meat           *  wine           
*  potato           *  vegetables           *  fried           *  dry  food          
*  liquid  food           *  cold  food           *  hot  food           *  salt          
*  extremely  hot  tea           *...................................
12.  Appetite  condition -       *  Low           *  Normal           *  High          
*  ravenous  hunger  at  11 A.M           *  Appetite  good  but  no  desire 
to  eat           *   all  food  tastes  salty          *  bitter  taste  in  mouth           
*  even  a  little  food  spoils  the  hunger           *  every  food  produces 
gas           *  hungry  immediately  after  eating           *  everything tastes
bitter, except water    *  craving  for indigestible things, chalk, coal, etc           
*  thirst  much           *  thirst  less           *  heaviness in the stomach after
meals           *  sensation as if everything in the abdomen would burst through
the mouth           *  digestive  power  is  poor           *  water is vomited
immediately after eating           *............................................
13.  Sleeping  situation -       *  bad           *  normal           *  best          
*  shallow           *  deep           *  sleeps  well  in  the  early  morning           
*  easily  fall  asleep           *  can not sleep in the early morning          
* even  long  sleep  is  not  refreshing            *  a  short  sleep  also  refreshs 
 me           *  shouting  in  the  sleep           *  walking  in  sleep           *  talking 
in  the  sleep           *  grinding  of  teeth  in  sleep           *  snoring          
*  breathing  stops  as  soon  as  he  sleep           *  feel  sleepy  after  eating          
*  salivation  during  sleep           *  sleeplessness  at  early  morning            
*  sleeps  with  knee-elbow  position           *  sleeps  on  stomach          
*  starts  when  touched  on  legs  in  sleep            *...........................................
14.  I  am  afraid  of -       *  darkness           *  loneliness           *  gathering          
*  looking  down  from  high           *  Lizard           *  cockroach          
*  snake           *  dog           *  ghost           *  death           *  thief/ robber          
*  thunder           *  sharp  weapons           *  pin           *  downward  motion          
*  cancer           *  paralysis           *  cholera           *  train          
*  closed  room           *  poverty           *  losing  job           *  narrow  space           
*  every  fear  is  felt  in  the  stomach           *....................................................
15.  My  memory  condition  is -       *  very  bad           *  normal          
*  very  good           *  forgetful           *  can  not  remember  name, 
number  &  face           *  suddenly  my  memory  has  decreased  a  lot          
*  memory  is  very  bad  from  childhood           *  no  ability  to  think          
 *  can  not  concentrate  on  anything          
*  can  not  keep  attention  on  one  subject  for  long          
*  forget  the  topic  while  talking          
*  not  a  single  moment  without  thinking          
*  thinks  much  about trifles           *.........................................................
16.  Temperament  circumstances -       * very  Cool        * Normal        
* Hot            *  irritable           *  Gets  angry  at  trifles           
*  cannot endure the least contradiction           *  do  not  express  my 
anger           *  moods  changes  rapidly             *  very  much  impatient          
*  trembles  during  anger           *  offended  at  trifles          
*  extremely  sympathetic  to  other's  suffering          
*  can  not  tolerate  any  injustice           *  tension  causes  diarrhoea        
*  self  confidence  has  reduced           *....................................................
17.  Which  of  them  you  have ?         *  superstition           *  fixed-idea          
*  cleanliness  mania           *  wrong  perception  of  sound/ taste/ smell          
18.  Amount  of  your  intellect -         *  Low            *  normal          
*  high           *  foolish  from  childhood           *  autistic  baby/ mental 
retard           *  becoming  foolish  like  with  the  increase  of  age        
19.  Sweating  particulars -       *  sweats  very  little           *  normal          
*  sweats  very  much           *  head  &  neck  sweats  much          
*  sweats  profusely  during  sleep           *  sweats  profusely  from  least 
exertion           *  sweats  smells  sour           *  whole  body  sweats  except 
head           *  sweats  profusely  at  night           *  upper  extremities  sweats 
much           *  sweats  one  side  of  body        *  head  sweats  very  much          
*  pillow  become  wet  from  head  sweat           *  bad  odorus  foot  sweat          
*  uncovered  parts  sweat  much           *  hands  &  legs  are  always  wet 
with  sweats           *  skin  is  oily           *...........................
20.  My  dreams  are -        *  normal           *  random           *  lively/ real          
*  nightmare           *  porno           *  restless           *  full  of  anxiety          
*  hard  work           *  gun  shooting           *  quarrel          
*  wandering in the field           *  romantic           *  accident          
*  sex  exciting           *  animals           *  dreadful           *  dead  guys          
*  business           *  death           *  complication           *  diseases          
*  artificial           *  fall  frm  up           *  fire           *  water           *  sad          
*  robber           *  annoying           *..........................................
21.  In  childhood  there  was  a  delay  in -       *  learning  to  talk          
*  learning  to  walk           *  growing  of  the  teeth           *....................................
22.  The  diseases  you  suffer  most  frequently  are -        *  cold          
*  cough           *  diarrhoea           *  mouth  ulcer           *  tonsilitis          
*  boils           *  rheumatic  pain           *  worm           *  urinary  trouble          
*  indigestion      *............................................
23.  There  is  very  offensive  odor  in  my -         *  stool           *  urine          
*  breathing           *  menses           *  sweat           *  pus          
*  Fish-brine odor           *  sour  odor           *  sweat  smells  sweet          
24.  Menstruation  information -         *  regular           *  irregular          
*  stopped           *  scanty  menses           *  profuse  bleeding          
*  Leucorrhoea/ white  discharge           *  painful  menses          
*  menses  with  bad  odor           *  clotted  bleeding          
*  extreme  weakness  before/ during  menses          
*  diarrhoea  begins  before  menses           *  headache  before  menses        
*  first  menses  begins  very  late           *  uterine  bleeding  during  breast 
feeding           *  depression  before  menses           *  backache  during  menses          
*  menses  begin  few  days  before  expected  date          
*  pain  in  breast  before  menses          
*  many  problems  are  ok  when  menses  begin  to  flow          
*  milk  comes  in  breast  in  lieu  of  menses          
*  headache  in  lieu  of  menses          
*  uterine  bleeding  after  sexual  intercourse      
 25.  My  pain  is  like -      *  stitching pains          *  Sharp, lancinating
pains          *  Like electric shocks          *  tearing pains         
*  burning pain          *  Boring  pains          *  pain as if beaten         
*  can not  tolerate  least  pain          *  Labor-like pains          *  numb pain         
*  cutting pains          *  cramping pains          *  shooting pains         
*  abnormally  painless          *  hammering  pain          *  jerking pains         
*  Pain goes from hip to knee          *  pressing  pain          *  pain  in  behind 
the  right  shoulder  joint          *  Pains come and go suddenly        
*  Lumbar  pain          *  Back  pain          *  prickling pain at tips of fingers         
*  pain in a  very  small spots          *  Pains wander from part to part         
*  Pain increases and decreases gradually         
*  headache  begins  during  hunger          *  whole  body  is  painful         
*  faint  from  least  pain          *  can  not  lye  on  hard  bed         
*  feels  pain  even  from  a  touch          *..............................................
26.  Stool  and  urine  conditions -       *  constipation / hard  stool
(for  long  days)          *  frequent  urination          *  color  of  urine  is 
red/ yellow/ black          *  burning  in  stool/ urine         
*  stools  are  like  sheep  dung          *  urine  is  very  scanty         
*  urine  has  bad  odor          *  urine  flows  unintentionally  while  sneezing, 
coughing  &  walking          *  during  urination  stools  slip  away         
*  urine  has  sediment  like  brick  powder          *  urine  amount  huge         
*  go  to  toilet  immediately  after  meal          *  urine  smells  like  cow's 
urine          *  stool/ urine  slip  away  without  knowledge         
*  cannot pass stool if any one is present         
*  stool/ urine  does  not  cleared up  easily         
*  color  of  stool  is  yellow/ green/ ash  like         
*  diarrhoea alternates with constipation          *  stool  soft  but  difficult  to 
evacuate          *  intestine/ uterous  seems  to  be  come  out  during  passing 
stool          *  urinary  tenesmus  during  thunderstorm         
*  Cheerfulness after stools          *  faints  after  stool          *......................................................
27.  There  is  burning  sensation  in  my-        *  palm          *  soles         
*  vertex  of  head          *  stomach          *  skin          *  lower  abdomen         
*  rectum          *  urinary  canal          *  eyes          *  throat         
*  tongue          *  vomiting          *  menses          *...............................................
28.  The  location  &  direction  of  diseases -       *  the  disease  has 
affected  right  side  of  body          *  left  side  of  body         
*  disease  goes  from  right  to  left          *  from  left  to  right         
*  disease  moves  diagonally (eg. right upper and left lower)         
*  disease  goes  from  lower  to  upper  parts         
*   from  upper  to  lower  parts        
disease often left one side entirely and went to the other side and then back again
29.  Particulars  of  heart -     *  rapid  pulse          *  slow  pulse         
*  palpitation          *  heart  beat  irregular          *  faints  easily         
*  feeling  of  weakness  in  chest          *  cold  feeling  inside  heart         
*  always  concerned  about  heart          *  heart  has  occupied  most  of 
my  attention          *  as if an iron band prevented its normal movements          *......................................................
30.  The  eye  circumstances -      *  weak  vission         
*  everything  looks  fuzzy          *  cataract          *  near-sighted         
*  distant-sighted          *  black spots before sight         
*  extreme  sensitiveness  to  light          *  swelling  of  upper  eye-lids           
31. Other  physical  symptoms -      *  top  of  head  always  hot         
*  body  always  hot          *  internal  trembling         
*  pulsation  in  the  whole  body          *  head  hot  but  body  cold         
*  legs  are  always  cold,  clammy          *  one  leg  hot  other  is  cold         
*  nose  stop  at  night          *  bleeding  from  teeth/ nose/ rectum         
*  loss  of  voice  frequently          *  whole  body  seems  to  be  empty         
*  frequent  motion  of  hands  &  fingers         
*  can  not  remain  in  one  position  for  long         
*  Nausea at thought, sight, or smell of food, especially of cooking         
 *  wounds/ ulcers  do  not  heal  quickly         
*  no  disease  takes  easy  recovery         
*  the  color  of  pus  is  red/ yellow/ white/ black/ green         
*  profuse bleeding from small wounds           *  bleeding from every
hole of body          *  palm  remain  always  hot         
*  deafness  to  human  voice         
*  deafness to the human  voice, but exquisite sensitiveness to the sound
of passing vehicles          *  ringing,  booming,  roaring  sound  in  ears         
*  (boiled  egg  like)  mass  sensation  in  throat          
*  trembling  in  knee  from  least  exertion          *  whole  body  is  cold         
*  excessive  tickling  sensation  in  soles          *  can  not  lye  on  right  side          
*  frequent  motion  of  legs            *  can  not  lye  on  left  side         
*  hot  flash  in  different  parts          *  postration  on  least  exertin        
*  sensation  of  "ball"  in  inner  parts            *  even  much  hard  work  can 
not  make  me  tired          *  likes  travelling  very  much          
*  can  not  bear  any  pressure  about  neck         
*  vertigo  on  sudden  rising          *  cough/ blood/ saliva/ nasal  discharge/
vaginal  discharge   are  tough  like  strings/ rope          *  everything  easily 
drops  from  hands          *  intellectually  keen  but  physically  weak         
*  extreme weakness and powerlessness of the
affected parts          *  sensation  of  dryness  in  finger-tips         
*  water  secretion  from  eye  during  coughing         
*  like  open  air  very  much         
*  incredible  change  of  disease  condition  very  frequently           
*  can  not  stand  for  long          *  saliva runs out during sleep         
 *  face  turns  red/ hot  from  least  excitement         
*  The teeth decay almost as soon as they appear         
*  sexual  strength  very  low          *  excessive  sexual  intercourse/
masturbation          *  burning  sensation  after  sexual  intercourse         
*  frequent  night  pollution          *  problems  in  eyes/ knee 
after  coition          *  severe  weakness  after  coition         
*  aversion  to  coition          *  painful  coition          *  Frequent sexual thoughts
entirely beyond my control          *  suffered  from  diarrhoea  for  long  days          
*  exreme  dryness  in  nose/ throat/ tongue          *  Great desire to press gums
or teeth together          *  seems  everything  inside  has  rotten         
*  difficulty  in  walking          *  has  taken  huge  medicine  in  life          *..................................................
32.  Other  psychological  symptoms -      *  restlessness          *  Laziness         
*  always  in  jolly  mood          *  Depression          *  emotional         
*  regretting          *  impatient          *  shameless          *  talkativeness         
*  aversion  to  talk          *  habit  of  using  harsh  words          *  social/ friendly         
*  inattentive/ unheeding          *  doubt/ suspicion  on  other  people         
*  quarrelsome disposition, disposition to criticize          *  unsocial/ withdrawn         
*  parsimonious/ niggard          *  shamefaced          *  religious         
*  disgusted with life         *  confusion          *  headstrong          *  jealous         
*  romantic  guy          *  love  to  cause  harm  to  others         
*  Indifference to husband  &  children          *  habit  of  money  squandering         
 *  revengeful          *  optimistic          *  despair of the future         
*  do  not  believe  anyone          *  pessimistic         
*  despair of eternal salvation          *  hanker  for  leadership         
*  can  not  tolerate  other's  good  luck          *  despair of recovery         
*  disgust and despair at her sexual desires          *  there  was  a  great  mental
  shock          *  suffered  mental  turmoil  for  long          *  thinks  herself 
important  and  others  unimportant          *  feeling  like  drunkard         
*  homesickness          *  think  I  got  a  dengerous  disease         
*  no  respect  for  family/ society          *  can  not  remain  idle  for  a 
single  moment          *  Inclined to find fault and scold         
*  starts  on  least  sound          *  Love  music  very  much         
*  grieving about the consequence of his  deeds          *  easily  frighten         
*  misbehave  with  people  unintentionally          *  used  to  hard  mental  labor         
*  likes  party,  gathering  very  much          *  concealing  habit  in  everything          
*  any attempt to console irritates beyond endurance         
*  always  thinks  bad  side  of  everything  first         
*  very apt to burst into tears          *  always  in  a  hurry         
*  all appears like a dream          *  opinion  changes  easily         
*  habit  of  walking  fast          *  frequent  deep  breath         
*  great flow of ridiculous thoughts in mind         
*  think  I  am  gonna  die  soon          *  desires  to  be  no.  1  in  everything         
*  hanker  for  fame          *  feel  uneasy  with  strangers          *  work  more 
than  my  ability          *  can't give a civil answer          *  when questioned
dose not know what to answer          *  oversensitiveness to noise         
*  malnutrition due to lack of assimilating power         
*  easily  laughs  easily  cry          *  can not prevent mind from thinking         
*  Less  interest  on  profession          *  frequent  change  of  profession         
*  do  not  fully  like  other's  deed          *  desire  to  commit  suicide  by 
hanging/ shooting  on  head/ jumping  from  high          
*  desire  to  harm  others          *  trembling  of  whole  body  during  anger         
*  has  digested  many  wicked  behaviour  of  people          *  easily  offended         
*  Aversion to solitude          *  desire  for  solitude          *  disinclination  to  work         
*  desire  to  kill          *  an insane desire to laugh and shout         
*  believe  that  everybody  is  doing  conspiracy  against  myself         
*  become  emotional  in  moonlight          *  think  everybody  will  poison 
him  to  death          *  sings  sexy  songs         
*  Great inclination to laugh, to jest and to sing          *  weeps  on 
appreciation          *  Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed         
*  less  interest  on  everything          *  no  attraction  towards  opposite  sex         
 *  Apprehensive of impending misfortune          *  many  insults  are  stored  in  mind          
*  Entire carelessness about present or future          *  cannot fix thoughts on
anything          *  oversensitive physically and mentally         
*  fear to getting crazy          *  visions of animals coming from every corner
of room, tries to escape, face bright red          *  hearing  about  other's  disease 
feel  like  I  got  the  disease  myself          *  believe that my disease is incurable          *........................................................................
33.  Peculiar  symtoms -       *  Crawling under skin         
*  When walking seems to be walking on air          *  Sensation of hair in throat         
*  opening and shutting sensation in head          *  wave  sensation  in   head         
*  Fear  pins,  count  them,  search  them          *  occurrence  of  yesterday 
seems  to  be  happened  a  long  days  ago          *  thinks another person is
lying with him in bed or that he is double          *  as if he has two wills, one
commands what the other forbids          *  thinks  angels  are  dictating  him  & 
he  doing  accordingly          *  feels  like  his  head  has  enlarged         
*  dislikes  children          *  thinks  himself  pregnant          *  dislikes  music         
*  sensation as if everything in the abdomen would burst through the mouth         
*  unable to move for fear her womb would drop from her         
*  chewing motion of jaw          *  Bores head in pillow         
*  Child repeats everything said to it          *  habit  of  eating  stool-urine-cowdung         
*  An illusion of smell "as of burnt feathers"           
*  Imagines he has a third leg which will not keep quiet         
*  well-known streets seem strange to him          *  Imagines he wears some one else's nose
*  confusion  about  whether  it  is  morning  or  evening         
*  crawling  sensation / sensation  of  sand  under  skin          *  imagines all
sorts of things about snakes          *  cobweb  sensation  on  face         
*  body seems scattered into pieces          *  bubbling  sensation  in  abdomen         
*  sensation  of  dust  in  throat          *  something  alive  is  moving  in 
the  abdomen/ chest          *.........................................................................
                                          Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias
                                       Author, Design specialist, Homeo consultant
                                          chamber :  Jagarani  homeo  hall
                                               47/4  Toyenabi  circular  road (2nd flr),
                                                    (near  ittefaq  crossing  &  studio  27)
                                                                             Motijheel, Dhaka, 
                                                                                                 Mob :  +880-01916038527  
                                          E-mail : Bashirmahmudellias@hotmail.com
                                 website :

You see many of them taking the unbelievers as guides. Evil is that to which their souls forwarded them, that Allah is angered against them, and in the punishment they shall live for ever. Had they believed in Allah and the Prophet (Muhammad) and that which is sent down to him, they would not have taken them as guides. But many of them are evildoers. [The  Holy  Quran : 5.80-81]

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