James Cameron brings 3D version of 'Titanic'...

http://blog.eun.org/lickhillgoesfrench/upload/titanic.jpgfilmmaker James Cameron has confirmed that he'll bring the 3D version of 'Titanic' on the big screen by 2012.

'We're targeting spring of 2012 for the release (of a 3D version of 'Titanic'), which is the 100th anniversary of the sailing of the ship,' contactmusic.com quoted him as saying.

The movie was released in 1997.

Cameron also revealed that he would put his latest epic film 'Avatar' back into movie theatres by releasing a director's cut later this year.

'The wild card is that we might be re-releasing the movie this fall. It's kind of gotten stomped out (in theatres since the release) of Alice in Wonderland. The word we're getting back from exhibitors is we probably left a couple of hundred million dollars on the table as a result,' he said.

'The question is (that) the appetite (is) still going to be there after the summer glut of movies. We're going to assess that. We're talking about may be adding in additional footage and doing something creative,'.
The extreme fascination with this great oceanliner has not dwindled throughout the years. There are countless theories about what actually happened to the Titanic and much speculation about how the ship's collision with the iceberg and ultimate sinking could have been avoided.
Avatar Movie 2Much of what we know about the Titanic's last few hours are from stories told by the survivors. Many of these stories are inaccurate and conflicting. For example, it is not known if the band played until the very end or even what they played. It was unknown if the ship actually broke in two before it sank (this was confirmed 73 years later). Even "official" records can contain inaccuracies. For example, no one is certain of the exact number of passengers aboard the Titanic. All of these unknowns add to the mystery and intrigue of this great ship. Even though the wreckage of the Titanic has been found, many questions remain unanswered and probably will be forever.
When I first learned about the Titanic in grade school, I was intrigued by this incredible tragedy. The Titanic's story is so powerful, it is almost impossible to not get caught up in it. My hope is that this web site also inspires you to be intrigued by the great ship called Titanic.

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