Media Matters Missed One Little Detail... Eric Boehlert's nightmare imaginings that we bitter flyovers might stop clinging to our Bibles long enough to use two hands on our guns and turn into a nation of assassins... one small problem with his theory:

Leftist Puerto Rican nationalists (Truman)
Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK): Communist
Sirhan Sirhan (RFK): Arab PLO supporter
Arthur Bremer (Wallace): schizo who stalked Wallace and Nixon
Squeaky Fromme (Ford): Manson Hippie chick
Sarah Jane Moore (Ford): Manson Hippie chick
Carter: um, nobody?
John Hinckley, Jr. (Reagan): Saw Taxi Driver 15 times, developed obsession with Jodie Foster and determined to shoot Reagan to make an impression, as Bremer, the inspiration for Taxi Driver, had.
Bush 41: Nobody
Clinton: Nobody. Francisco Martin Duran fired on the White House, claiming to be destroying an 'alien mist'.
Bush 43: Nobody.
Obama: Nobody.

Frankly, rightwing crazies are way behind the curve. Leftists and lunatics, though, or as we like to call them, Obama's base, are pretty clearly a hazard to the public weal...

UPDATE: Color me stunned; Media Matters hasn't posted this.

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