Extreme training.

 At one point of time no   one even thought of going there, at another point of time no one could think of staying there. 

 Yes it is Siachen Glacier(21147 ft) - The World Highest batte Field.

The battle on the siachen is the longest, Highest and the most expensive air - maitenance operation in the world.

Connected by the World's largest all-waether pass Khardungala - 18300 Feet.

Highest Helipad in the World - 19500 Feet.  

Highest Dropping zone in the World - 20000 Feet.

second Coldest habitat in the World

Temperature around -40 to -50 degree celsius

Temperature in crevasses reach -200 degree celsius

The glacier recives an average of 10mts on showfall annually

97 % of all casuaities are due to difficult weather conditions and terrain .Under such in-hospitable conditions,  

 we have our brave men in the Indian army protecting our land from the intruders.

Quartered in snow, slienced to remain when bugle calls, they will raise and march again. 
Indian Army Expedition To Siachen Glacier Begins

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